Saturday, 28 September 2013

FranklyWild Sandton Fashion Show 2013 - David Tlale

Many of us associate the Michelangelo Towers Mall in Sandton, opposite the Sandton Convention Centre, with #Exclusivity, #TopBrands & #Unaffordable!  Well at the beginning of the Month perhaps the most important of those associations was challenged and overcome, even if just for a spectacular weekend of Tenant Hospitality, Fashion Shows, Entertainment & Unadulterated Beauty. 

Yes, many of the Tenants offered serious discounts on selected stock for guests as they allowed us to Showcase their latest Fashion & Trends.  Over the weekend, FranklyWild hosted four Fashion Shows, the Mrs South Africa Pageant Director & a dozen of her 2013 Finalists, and a ‘late night kick-butt’ Party courtesy of the VIP Room – one of #Jozi’s most exclusive nightlife venues.

Now I know what you’re all thinking, how did we manage to hold a competent fashion show in a Mall?  Well it wasn’t easy, but thanks to the amazing Tenants that provided us with their latest collections, the exceptional professionalism of the models that we used, and an awesome Stage/Sound/Lighting team – Monster Productions & Events, it Rocked…! 

We were very honoured to have the privilege of hosting some of the country’s top brands at the Towers, and in particular one of South Africa’s hottest exports, David Tlale – who has just showcased his collection in the #MBNYFashionWeek.  David allowed us to showcase for the first time in Jo’burg his Men’s Collection of exquisite garments – thanks @Tlale_large!

Dino in David Tlale…

Etienne rocking the catwalk in a Tlale classic…

Of course the Audience loving Tlale and appreciating that it was the 1st time these Men’s Outfits were being showcased in #Jozi, absolutely absorbed every second of it, and welcomed our Male Models to the sound of rapturous applause – it really was something special to be there for the 1st Show! 

Now there is one thing that we have to say about David Tlale – This Man designs awesome garments!  If you’ve met the Man in person you’ll recognise, that after just a few moments of conversation with him, that David has this unbelievable vision of Fashion & Style and how to transcend his thoughts into garment-masterpieces, sometimes I feel like he sees us all as a canvas.  Both the Ladies & Men’s garments were spectacular.
A Big @_FranklyWild #ShoutOut to @Tlale_large for your Extravagant and Stunning Designs – you truly are a World Class Designer!
Caitlin in a Decadent Tlale Suit...

Lesego ready to partner with Etienne for a night out… 

Shayna in a Tlale Bridal Gown...

The actual theme of the weekend was Bridal Fair as the Towers were looking to promote their destination as one of the Continents leading Bridal havens.  However, it is safe to say I believe that what we showcased had a lot more to offer than just bridal fair.  One of the crowd favourites was the hats on show from Lou Lou’s Boutique.  Bearing in mind we’d just a few months earlier had the Durban July, and considering that they are not a daily insistence from most of Gauteng’s double-XX’s, the response was not surprising – it was astonishing!

Angelita in a Lou Lou classic…

The Big Bridal Showstopper however, was our dear friends from Pronovias Barcelona.  The Pronovias store in the Michelangelo Towers Mall is one of our favourite stores in Sandton, as not only do they have amazing staff & the widest range of breathtakingly stunning bridal gowns, but they also carry an amazing range of Cocktail Gowns – all sleek and sensual.  Let’s have a look at what they showcased for us I have to mention that they were also our gracious sponsors of gowns for the Mrs South Africa 2013 finalists that Joani Johnson introduced us all to. 

Joani is the Pageant Director for the Mrs South Africa contest and was the also the Winner in 2009.  With the run into the finals drawing near, it is being hosted at Emperors Palace in Johannesburg on the 5th October, competition between the ladies is getting fiercer by the day with each of them trying to outdo the other through charitable events and activities that benefit their direct communities. 
A #Big @_FranklyWild #ShoutOut to @JoaniJohnsonSA & @MrsSAPageant and all the amazing work that they do that changes peoples lives for the better all around the country!

Finalists practicing the catwalk in Pronovias Barcelona Gowns…

Joani Johnson being interviewed by former Mr SA 2009 Stephen Segal (they won in the same Year – coincidentally...)

Dr Foil, Ana & Angelica having some fun with the Mrs SA 2013 Finalists…

No FranklyWild Fashion Show would be complete without sensational and professional styling from our Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists.  Whilst Angelica and Ana were making-up our models, Dr Foil was on hand too not only transform our Models Hair into ‘Michelangelo’ works of art but he also performed a spectacular hair and dance show.  Dr Foil is a Man of many talents.  With over 30 years experience in Styling Hair, including 15 years with Ethnic Hair, Dr Foil is also a Dance Instructor and showcases an astounding Hair & Dance Show choreographed by FranklyWild.

Dr Foil admiring his work on the gorgeous Michaela… 

A fitting way to conclude this narration is just as dramatic as the manner in which we opened each of our Fashion Shows, with an amazingly talented, incredibly good-looking and quite frankly (‘scuse the Pun), all round great Guy. 

Morgan Beatbox is an absolute pleasure to work with, he is always mindful of what you want to get from his performance, and of course he always pushes himself to deliver the best for his audience.  In fact, for the 1st time I understand in the World, Morgan Beatbox set an unofficial world record by generating 8 consecutive sounds, yes EIGHT, from his mouth, all at the same time during our Show.  As always Brother – You Rocked our Gig!  #ProudlySouthAfrican
#Big @_FranklyWild #ShoutOut to a remarkable Man and incredibly #TalentedArtist @MorganBeatbox & of course the Man who always makes him look #Dapper for his Gigs @Dr_Foil

Finally to conclude this Blog, I have to also give a big thanks to the VIP Room in the Towers that allowed us to host our #AfterParty in their awesome club.  Chris, Amar, Nicci – Thanks.  I’m not going to explain how #Awesome it was, and I’m not going to tell you who was there, as the who’s who of Gauteng joined us, but what I am going to tell you is that it was an astonishing evening, and if you were invited then you’ll know what we’re talking about.  Great Dancing by the Girls, great fashion show by our Models and some of our Mrs SA 2013 finalists, but most of all a phenomenal #AfterParty at the VIP Room Michelangelo Towers Mall, Sandton.

Don’t forget Folks, if you want to host an #Awe-Inspiring #FashionShow, get hold of us and we’ll see how we can help activate your brand, launch your product, or convert your offering to a household name.

Right, time to move on to the next gig and get planning….thanks for joining us for this one…


Saturday, 21 September 2013

Mens Health SIXTH Annual Menswear Collection Fashion Show #MHStyle - MELROSE ARCH JOHANNESBURG

Ok, so you all have to be asking yourselves how do I get an invite to this #FashionShow next year because I'm hearing it was awesome - Well, it was!

Mens Health held their #Jozi Fashion Show on Thursday (19th Sep) in Melrose Arch, one of our more prominent venues for the upwardly mobile.  The Dome they erected in the North facing square added a wicked touch to what was already an awesome venue.  And need I tell you that the Who's Who of the #Jozi Fashion & Celebrity world were all there.  Nope I'm not going to give you names, that's boring, but what I am going to give you is a little insight to who else was there - just one or two!

Let's take a look at a few images from the Show.......this is how the Show started...this one's for the Girls....!

Now if you know Mens Health, South Africa's top selling Men's magazine, then you'll know it is the one show of the year that Men who want to be Men attend.  Also, you'll know that Mens Health only use #AwesomeModels, and yes they were all there last night!  I recognised instantly Dumi, Etienne, Sean S & Sean T, and of course Maps.  Maps had just popped back to #Jozi in time for the show, and it's always great to see him in a show as he brings something really special to the Ramp.

And of course, one for the Girls....hope you don't mind Maps but you are "Cosmo's Hunk of the Year"...!

The Show is one of the years best offerings, as it is exactly what it should be in this industry, a 'Power half-hour' and just enough time before and after for cocktails and intro's!  Was great to see Charlene & Warren from ICE screaming in elation when their Models are on the Catwalk - great team you've got there Jane, I guess that's why you're all family at ICE.  And of course my favourite PR'er from Infinite Communications - Leon H.  I love seeing Leon as he has this ability to always say the right thing around me and make me feel awesome...mmmm...maybe that is what PR'ing is all about.  Whichever it is, Leon is damn good at what he does, he gets the job done, and I love him for it!

Now it takes a very exceptional young lady to be the only one in a Man's Fashion Show.  That young lady happened to be #GinaG and she rocked that catwalk with the Boys...

And lastly, for those of you who watched the MasterChef Final last week, I knew I recognised the young happy soul mingling in the crowd with her new found celebrity status - our runner-up Leandri!  I have to say to Mens Health and Azeez, the venue was wicked, the hospitality was wicked, the guests were wicked, but most of all, your show was wicked - #BigShoutOut to @MensHealthZA & @AzeezJacobs!  Thanks

Let's finish where we started.  How do I get an invite to next year's show?  I have no idea, but the simplest way of ensuring you have the best chance is to make sure that you get yourself to the right parties, meet the right people, behave appropriately, and spend some time following the #FashionIndustry and talking about it in the right circles.  Oh, and it helps to have some industry related skills too............ see you there next year.....!

And Thanks to  for the Invitation....

As you can see we do a cool blog & take some #Wicked Pictures so let us know if you'd like us to cover your next event, activation, show!  Also, don’t forget Folks, if you want to host an #Awe-Inspiring #FashionShow, get hold of us and we’ll see how we can help activate your brand, launch your product, or convert your offering to a household name.

Right, time to move on to the next gig and get planning….thanks for joining us for this one…


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

MODEL MAKEOVER WORKSHOP in FranklyWild Studio...

Hi all, hoping you all had a restful weekend at the beginning of this month...!

I thought I would use today's Blog to tell you a little about our hugely successful and rapidly growing - MODEL MAKEOVER WORKSHOPS.  

FranklyWild Studio runs regular Makeover sessions such as Bridal Makeovers, and recently introduced our Model Makeover Workshop - run by Charlene Wild.  

As most of you already know, we have our own Photographic Studio in Bedfordview where we have full facilities (right next to the Photographic Studio) including Nail, Hair and Makeup booths, full changing facilities and an entertainment, tuition and recreation area.  

Whether you want to enjoy a 'Pamper-Day' session with your friends, or you want to surprise someone with a relaxing day-out at FranklyWild Studio - our Model Makeover Workshop is probably just what you're looking for.  Oh, and it costs less than a 'G Note' a head..!

And most importantly, as the day draws to a close your Fella can pick you up and take you out for a fancy dinner and spoil you rotten - as you will be looking Gorgeous......!  Oh, and that is only if he recognises you....LOL

Each session runs for at least 4 hours and includes the following for each participant:
  • Welcome & Introduction by a FranklyWild team member
  • Refreshments for the entire session including Snacks, & Hot & Cold drinks
  • A form to note Make-Up styles and materials used during the session, & for future reference - e.g. use this to buy your makeup next time you're stocking up...!
  • Photographic sessions in the FranklyWild Studio, for example a 'Before Look' a 'Day Look' & an 'Evening Look'
  • Professional Make-Up demonstration by our resident MUA 
    • All participants will be shown how to apply Make-Up for a 'Day' and an 'Evening' look
    • After each look – a sequence of Images will be captured in the Photographic Studio
    • Our resident Choreographer will demonstrate the poses for participants
  • Discussion and evaluation throughout the session
  • 5 Images per participant (professionally retouched)
    • Before
    • Portrait Day Look
    • Portrait Evening Look
    • Full Body
    • Group
  • Evaluation of Days activities
  • Close by FranklyWild team member
Please have a look at our Website to see what else FranklyWild Studio has to offer.

You are more than welcome to come past and see our Studio at your convenience, so please make an appointment with us before hand, so we can ensure a FranklyWild team member is available to show you around.

FB:         'FranklyWild Photographic Studio'
Twitter:  @_FranklyWild
011 455 4080

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Ladies Night Photies...

Hi all, just a selection of some Club Shoots we've done recently....!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Folks, this is what 2013 is all about...

OK, so some of you are going to think that I am getting soft and sentimental in my old age and some of you are going to think that I am a 'Pussy' but you know what - I don't mind.......because it feels good right now after what I've just witnessed....!

Frank got back tonight from his Family break down at the coast and it was absolutely amazing as he started up his FB banter again - damn, I've missed that as he is really good at it and more sincere than most.  The point I am trying to make here is that I am watching FB evolve over the space of a couple of hours tonight and the amount of Love and Friendship and Warm Wishes and Blessings Frank generated from all our Friends - is amazing tonight.

And they're not even finished yet.......

I gotta log back in and see what else is going on...

Loving it and feeling really good watching it unfold tonight - Thanks FB friends xx

Blessings to you all and thanks for your Friendship...xx


Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Forget reviewing the holiday snaps, looking to post some classics from my festive break and anything else I had planned for today.....

I feel like I got beaten by 20 people all at the same time, tied-up upside down, and had all my blood drained.............all in the same afternoon......!

Actually all I did was go back to Gym today.  Well, I started off with a Swim and if I did more than 400 metres in total it was a lot.  I am absolutely finished tonight - I don't even have the energy to finish this blog so here's one to all of you that didn't binge as much as I did, and aren't suffering too badly......well done!

I'll try and find a 'piccie' Frank has already put out to colour this up a little but I am knackered so off to Bed.

Here you go....this gives me faith as................The Sun will rise again tomorrow, and I'll feel better in the Morning.

Night all....xx


Saturday, 5 January 2013

FranklyWild Update...

Well, it has been an interesting few weeks, but these stories are for later in this Blog so watch this space.

Closed the Studio down just before Christmas, and getting ready to open the Studio this coming week.

Got a few interesting Pic's to share, and a full book for the next few months.

You already know we're on FaceBook (search under FranklyWild) and we're on Twitter now too (posts under @_FranklyWild), and of course our website is

Well, one more week to go and then it is full steam ahead.

Wishing all of You a fantastic New Year brimming with Fame and Fortune...!
